Why Trust Us?

How did you get started OR why should we trust you to help us?

A common question we get asked when talk to new clients: how did you get started?  A close cousin to this question, asked less often but more revealing is: why should we trust you to help us?


Thank you - good question!  We love to talk about this and, for us, there are three parts to the answer:


1)     Experience - we’ve walked in your shoes

We know what it’s like to sense that you’ve got what could be a great idea and to need expert help to test, refine and present it so it makes sense to your stakeholders whether they are investors, banks, government departments and even your own family.  I’ve set up two of my own successful companies, joined a small start-up and sat on the boards of organisations.  I’m fortunate that all of these have been successful enterprises in a range of fields.  They’ve all been challenging and the hardest and most important step in each has been getting the business plan right so we do the right things as well as things right.  Get this, right and you build your business on strong foundations.


2)     Service - we care about helping

This sounds a little corny and is probably unfashionable but we are care about our clients, delivering a great service and them being successful.  For us, this means:


·        Acting ethically – for example we operate a flat rate fees and ensure our clients own the plans – it’s not enough for a business plan to simply look good it needs to make sense to you.


·        Using our experience and expertise to add structure, rigour and value to our client’s proposals.  We tailor the consultant and the plan to the business so we can add most value.  If we don’t think we can help we will tell you upfront and before you have commissioned us.


·        We care about customers and our business.  Our customers’ success is our success.  Many of our plans are for repeat customers who are expanding their businesses or setting up new ventures.  I also mentor a small number of local entrepreneurs that have not have the privileges that many of us have been fortunate to experience.


3)     Professionalism - do one thing and do it well

We just write business plans and we do it well.  Our consultants blend the science and art of business planning – they all have MBAs but perhaps more importantly they’ve set up successful businesses with most operating at director level in organisations before setting up their own successful businesses with some, myself included, accredited by the Institute of Consulting.  In 5 years, we have supported hundreds of businesses to become successful ranging from small hobby businesses to multi-million pound start-ups including a previous winner of dragons den.   We’ve fixed many business plans that other plan writers have produced so we know the common pitfalls and that professionalism, service and real life experience are not that common. 


As customers, we should never be afraid to ask the direct question:  why should we trust you to help us?  This helps the best companies and you to thrive and it’s vital for something as important as your business plan.  Blogs often scratch the surface of important issues but I hope it provides at least a partial answer to the question.  If you are looking for help with your business plan get in touch through our contact form [insert link]and when we speak you know what to ask us!